Aqualandia Groups


Step 1. Select your tickets for Aqualandia Groups

Minimum 20 paid schoolchildren with prior reservation. Valid for students from 4 to 17 years of schools in school. For every 10 paid students a free teacher.

Group School Ticket

Children from 4 to 17 years. Schools during the school year. Includes one teacher for every 10 paying students. Minimum 20 paying students. Valid for 1 day.

AMPAS Parents Ticket

Adults from 18 years old. Schools in school year. Valid for AMPA parents. Valid for 1 day.

Free Teacher Ticket / Parents

Free Teacher for the school group as always satisfies the condition group. For parents, 1 free ticket for every 5 paid students.


Menu consisting of salad + chicken with potatoes or macaroni or hamburger with potatoes + drink, muffin and dairy.

Minimum 20 paying persons by reservation. One free for every 20 paying.

Group Adult Ticket

People from 13 to 64 years. Groups of 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.

Group Junior Ticket

People from 4 to 12 years. Groups of 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.

Group Senior Ticket

Person over 65 years old, retired, is necessary the presentation of the accreditation card. Groups of 20 paying personas. Valid for 1 day.

Aqualandia group disabled entrance

Persona discapacitada con un mínimo del 33% de discapacidad. Grupos a partir de 20 personas de pago. Válido para 1 día.

Gratuitous Adult/Companion

As of 13 years old. Gratuity for adult / companion, provided that satisfies the conditions as a group.
